If you have placed message on one of our "U-Speak" Bulletin Boards and it did not show up online, then please review the following possible errors:
- You have not waited long enough. Usually they will be approved and online within 4-8 hours, but on certain occasions it may take up to 24 hours. Please be patient.
- You wrote some or all words in "ALL CAPITAL LETTERS." These messages will be rejected. On the internet all capital letters are consider yelling.
- You did not include your full name (a person's given and family name, not an organization). Messages will not be posted without a name attached.
- You may have placed it in the wrong section. Each section has a specific purpose as follows:
- Gaspesians Online is like your personal web site. Add a photo, information, your choice.
- The Guest Book is for comments about Gaspe or GoGaspe.com only.
- Classified Ads is for items for sale, items wanted, or offers of employment. *
- Announcements are reserved for upcoming events, like a garage sale, bingo, benefit supper, etc. *
- News is exclusively for community oriented news, that is things that have already happened. *
- Obituaries is for families to announce the death of a loved one. *
- Genealogy Bulletin Board is for questions related to your family tree.
- Chatter is for anything else you'd like to publicise. *
* The first one or two of these items are published on the front page of GoGaspe and are seen by several hundred people each day. Please plan accordingly.
Please note as well that abusive or improper messages will not be accepted. We are responsible for all content on GoGaspe and must act accordingly.
If you discover an error in your posting before it goes online, simply submit it again. When we receive multiple posting which are almost identical, the most recent one will be posted.
These simple requirements help us avoid spam and misuse of our bulletin boards.
If you have additional questions please do not hesitate to contact me at webmastera@gogaspe.com
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